
Online Kidz Club Guidelines

www.onlinekidzclub.com (OKC) is an online website supporting primary school children anywhere to try new things, make progress and follow self-directed hands-on tasks to build their creativity and curiosity. The platform provides a huge library of step by step challenges led by educators, as well as an awesome community of primary school kidz sharing their outcomes and ideas. 
We need your help to ensure that OKC is a safe community where every child feels welcome and can share their ideas.

When you sign up for OKC, you agree to follow these guidelines:

Be Original

KIDZ only - share only your own work. You can post your work if you were supported by an adult or completing a family challenge together. Be yourself and share your own individual work that is unique to celebrate your creativity.
Don’t copy - Only use copyright-free images and reference something that wasn’t created by you. Where possible use copyright-free music. If you need to use copyrighted music, keep it under 30 seconds and make sure to credit the original artist.

Be Safe 

Keep personal information private: never share your login details, full name, address, phone number, email address, school or anything that can identify you. Remember - your parents have access to your account. Don’t write your full name into your profile but choose a nickname to protect your privacy. Make sure that you respect others' privacy and never ask for personal information from others.
Report: If in doubt about anything - report it to Online Kidz Club (Ask a Teacher button) and tell your parents or a trusted adult.

Be Kind

‘no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted’ - AESOP

Everyone is different and will produce different outcomes, make sure that you embrace differences. Discrimination or unfriendly behaviour will not be tolerated. Be inclusive and report anything that you don’t believe to be appropriate for the teachers to handle.

Be Respectful

Appropriate: any language, comments or videos that include profanities (swear words / bad words) are not allowed and will be removed. Always make sure you are dressed appropriately and fully clothed. Online Kidz Club is a platform for 7-11year old children and therefore no links or content with mature content is allowed. 

This includes but is not limited to;
- Suggestive / explicit content
- Use of drugs / alcohol or illegal substances
- Any use of violence
- Shocking events that aren’t age appropriate
- Anything else that isn’t deemed appropriate for kids aged between 7-11years old.

Be Positive

Follow steps to be a good online digital citizen, as you would if you were face-to-face with someone. If you see anything that goes against Online Kidz Club guidelines, please report it (Ask the Teacher Button). Don’t get involved yourself. Stay positive. Comments and posts need to be constructive and not include statements such as “I hate this” “I’m rubbish.”

Follow steps to be a good online digital citizen, as you would if you were face-to-face with someone. If you see anything that goes against Online Kidz Club guidelines, please report it. Don’t get involved yourself. Stay positive. 
Any violations of the above guidelines will be judged on a case-by-case basis. Our online teachers will do their best to enforce the guidelines consistently and fairly. Any violations, as stated above, may result in any one of the following:

  • Written warnings
  • Removal of comments and posts
  • Temporary suspension of your Online Kidz Club subscription
  • Permanent suspension of your Online Kidz Club subscription
  • Full ban

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